Election Updates

Reseau Ouest-Africain De Surveillance Des Elections (ROASE -WAEON) - Avril a Juin 2018

Aug-17 2018
Cette seconde edition pour 2018 (Avril a Juin) met en evidence des nouvelles et des mises a jour sur les activites des organisations membres du WAEON, des questions electorales et de la gouvernance des pays membres et des efforts des levees de fonds du secretariat.

West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) Newsletter - April to June 2018

Aug-17 2018
This second edition for 2018 (April to June) features news and update on WAEON member organizations' activities, election and governance-related issues of member countries and fundraising efforts by the Secretariat.

Communiqué de mi-journée, le 29 Juillet 2018

Aug-03 2018
La Coalition pour l'Organisation Citoyenne des Elections au Mali (COCEM) est une Plate-forme d'Organisations nationales de la Soci?t? civile mise en place pour promouvoir la d?mocratie malienne et contribuer ? la fortification de l'Etat de droit au Mali ? travers leur engagement dans des activit?s d'observation ?lectorale au Mali pour leur cr?dibilit? et leur int?grit?.

1er tour de l'élection présidentielle, le scrutin s'est bien déroulé malgré des incidents violents dans le centre et le nord du Mali.

Aug-03 2018
La Coalition pour l'Observation Citoyenne des Elections au Mali (COCEM) est une Plate-forme d'Organisations nationales de la Soci?t? civile mise en place pour promouvoir la d?mocratie malienne et contribuer ? la fortification de l'Etat de droit ? travers leur engagement dans des activit?s d'observation ?lectorale.

Liberia 2017 Election: NDI International Election Observation Mission Final Report

Aug-02 2018
Liberia's 2017 presidential and legislative elections represented an historic achievement for the country and its citizens. The third polls conducted since the end of the 14-year civil war, they resulted in the first peaceful transfer of power from one president to another since 1944, and the first time ever that one democratically elected president succeeds another. Voter turnout was high, as m...

Observation Report of the 2018 Electoral Cycle in Sierra Leone

Aug-02 2018
NEW monitored and observed all key activities in the 2018 electoral processes, including constituency and ward delimitation, the National Civil and Voter Registration (NCVR), Exhibition of the provisional voters' register and rectification of anomalies, Nomination of Candidates, Political Campaigns and Polling day processes among others. The results of these observation efforts are summarized in t...

Liberia Elections: ECC Election Day Mid-Day Statement

Oct-13 2017
The domestic elections observer group in Liberia, the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) deployed 2,170 trained and accredited observers including 170 mobile observers and 2,000 polling place observers deployed in all 73 districts. Of the 2,000 observers, 832 are systematically deployed as Rapid Response Observers, 498 of which are deployed based on a proportional distribution by district. Thi...

Liberia Elections: ECC Election Day Preliminary Statement

Oct-13 2017
The domestic elections observer group in Liberia, the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) deployed 2,170 trained and accredited observers including 170 mobile observers and 2,000 polling place observers deployed in all 73 districts. This preliminary statement is based on reports that the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) has received from 496 out of 498 Rapid Response Observers deployed to...

Liberia Elections: Preliminary Statement Of The NDI International Observation Mission

Oct-13 2017
This preliminary statement is offered by the National Democratic Institute's (NDI) election observer delegation for Liberia's 2017 presidential and legislative elections. The purpose of the mission is to support Liberia's efforts to conduct peaceful, credible polls; impartially and accurately assess the electoral process to date; and offer recommendations to improve future elections. In partnershi...

West African Election Observers Network (Waeon) Newsletter May-August 2017

Sep-20 2017
The first edition for the year 2017, covering May to August. This first edition features news update on the Network, election and governance related news from member countries in the West African Sub-region. Please follow the link to download it.

Le Réseau D'observateurs D'élection De L'afrique Occidentale (Roase) Bulletin D'information Mai- Août, 2017

Sep-20 2017
La Lettre d'information ROASE fait un rapport sur des activit?s entreprises par le Secr?tariat du R?seau; activit?s par membres de r?seau dans leurs pays respectifs; et les mises ? jour sur des ?lections et la gouvernance sortent de la sous-r?gion de l'Afrique occidentale. Apr?s une longue pause, le Secr?tariat ROASE est enchant? de publier cette premi?re ?dition pendant l'ann?e 2017, couvrant ma...


Sep-25 2014


Sep-19 2014

2015 Nigerian Elections

Sep-15 2014
View the election updates at http://www.tmgtowards2015.org/

Workshop Report

Jul-08 2014
The Academy comprised a meeting and an exchange visit to some election stakeholders. The meeting was held on May 28, 2014 at the Airport West Hotel, Accra, Ghana. The meeting was opened by Dr. Franklin Oduro, the coordinator of Coalition of Domestic Elections Observers (CODEO), the local partner of WAEON. In his welcome address, he introduced Honorable Mahama Ayariga, the Minister for Information ...

Le Compte-rendu de l’atelier tenu a Accra

Jul-08 2014
L'Académie comprend une réunion et des visites de partage à certaines parties prenantes du processus électoral. La réunion s'est tenue le 28 mai 2014 à Airport West Hotel, Accra(Ghana). Dr Franklin Oduro, le coordonnateur de la « Coalition of Domestic Elections Observers (CODEO) », a ouvert l'académie avec une allocution de bienvenue. Ensuite, il a présenté monsieur Mahama Ayariga, le m...

Communique for Academy held in Accra

Jun-13 2014
Communique Call on Citizens Observer Groups in West Africa to champion Electoral Reforms by West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) The members of the West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) (a coalition of non-partisan citizen observation groups in 11 West African countries, namely: Burkina Faso, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, L...




WAEON collaborates with NDI in the Liberian 2017 Elections

The West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) is collaborating with the Washington DC-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) to participate in the upcoming general elections in Liberia, scheduled for October 10, 2017. Through NDI, WAEON will contribute to NDI International Observation Mission for the elections.

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