

Aug-07 2020
La Lettre d'information de WAEON fournit des nouvelles et des informations sur les activit?s entreprises par le Secr?tariat et les membres du R?seau dans leurs pays respectifs ainsi que des mises ? jour sur les ?lections et les questions de gouvernance en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cette deuxi?me ?dition pour 2020 couvre la p?riode d'avril ? juin et pr?sente les faits saillants des d?veloppements ?lector...

WAEON Newsletter (April - June 2020)

Aug-07 2020
This second edition for 2020 covers the period April to June, and provides highlights on electoral developments in West Africa and activities of WAEON member organizations.

WAEON Newsletter (January - March 2020)

Mar-31 2020
WAEON's Newsletter provides news and information on activities undertaken by the Secretariat and Network members in their respective countries. The Newsletter further provides updates on elections and governance issues occurring in West Africa. This edition is the first for 2020 and covers developments from January to March.

WAEON Bulletin D'informatons (Janvier – Mars, 2020)

Mar-31 2020
Le bulletin d'information de WAEON fournit des nouvelles et des informations sur les activit?s entreprises par le secr?tariat et les membres du r?seau dans leurs pays respectifs. Le bulletin d'information fournit ?galement des mises ? jour sur les ?lections et les questions de gouvernance en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cette ?dition est la premi?re pour 2020 et couvre les d?veloppements de janvier ? mars.

Togo Elections: WAEON Statement on Revoked CNSC Accreditation

Feb-21 2020
On the eve of Presidential Elections in the Republic of Togo, scheduled for Saturday, February 22, 2020, the West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) has learnt with dismay the revocation by the National Independent Election Commission (CENI) of the accreditation to the domestic observer group, the National Consultation of Civil Society of Togo (CNSC-Togo). This revocation of accreditation, ...

Élections Présidentielles en République du Togo:Pour Communiqué De Presse Immédiat

Feb-21 2020
A la veille des ?lections pr?sidentielles en R?publique du Togo, pr?vues pour le samedi 22 f?vrier 2020, le R?seau des Observateurs Electoraux d'Afrique de l'Ouest (WAEON) a appris avec consternation la r?vocation par la Commission Electorale Nationale Ind?pendante (CENI) de l'accr?ditation du groupe d'observateurs nationaux, la Consultation Nationale de la Soci?t? Civile du Togo (CNSC-Togo). Cett...

WAEON Bulletin D'informatons (Octobre-Décembre 2019)

Jan-29 2020
Le bulletin fournit des mises ? jour sur les ?lections et les questions de gouvernance qui se produisent en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cette ?dition est la quatri?me pour l'ann?e 2019 et couvre les d?veloppements a partir d'octobre ? d?cembre.

WAEON Newsletter (October - December 2019)

Jan-29 2020
WAEON's Newsletter provides news and information on activities undertaken by the Secretariat and Network members in their respective countries. The Newsletter further provides updates on elections and governance issues occurring in West Africa. This edition is the fourth for 2019, and it covers developments from October to December.

WAEON Bulletin D'informatons (Juillet - Septembre, 2019)

Nov-29 2019
La Newsletter du WAEON fournit des nouvelles et des informations sur les activit?s entreprises par le Secr?tariat et les membres du R?seau dans leurs pays respectifs. La Lettre d'information fournit ?galement des mises ? jour sur les ?lections et les questions de gouvernance en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cette ?dition est la troisi?me pour 2019 et couvre les d?veloppements de Juillet ? Septembre.

WAEON Newsletter (July - September 2019)

Nov-25 2019
WAEON's Newsletter provides news and information on activities undertaken by the Secretariat and Network members in their respective countries. The Newsletter further provides updates on elections and governance issues occurring in West Africa. This edition is the third for 2019, and it covers developments from July to September.

AfEONet Statement on the Fatal Shooting of Mozambique Local Election Observation Mission Head

Oct-11 2019
The African Elections Observers Network (AfEONet) which is comprised of citizen observer groups in the East and Horn of Africa (E-HORN), West Africa Election Observation Network (WAEON) and the Electoral Support Network of Southern Africa (ESN-SA) has learnt with sadness the death of the head of Mozambique's local election observer mission, Anastacio Matavele, who was shot on Monday, 7 October 201...

WAEON hosts conference on the increasing role of technology in election administration

May-15 2019
Scores of citizens' election observer groups and election experts in West Africa have gathered at the West African Election Observers Network (WAEON) Conference in Accra to strategize on how to navigate challenges associated with technology-driven elections in a bid to inject credibility into electoral processes. Themed ?The increasing role of technology in election administration: Implications fo...

ROASE accueille une conférence sur le rôle croissant de la technologie dans l'administration électorale.

May-15 2019
Des dizaines de groupes d'observateurs ?lectoraux de citoyens et d'experts ?lectoraux en Afrique de l'Ouest se sont r?unis ? la conf?rence du R?seau Ouest Africain pour la Surveillance des Elections (ROASE) ? Accra pour ?laborer une strat?gie sur la fa?on de relever les d?fis associ?s aux ?lections bas?es sur la technologie, dans le but d'augmenter la cr?dibilit? des processus ?lectoraux. Sous ...

WAEON Newsletter (January– March, 2019)

Apr-26 2019
WAEON's Newsletter provides news and information on activities undertaken by the Secretariat and Network members in their respective countries. The Newsletter further provides updates on elections and governance issues occurring in West Africa. This first edition for 2019 covers developments which took place between January and March.

WAEON Bulletin D'informatons (Janvier – Mars, 2019)

Apr-26 2019
Cette premi?re ?dition de 2019 (janvier ? mars) propose des nouvelles et mises ? jour sur les activit?s, les choix et les questions li?es ? la gouvernance des pays membres et des collectes de fonds par le Secr?tariat des organisations membres WAEON.

WAEON Statement on Senegal 2019 Elections

Feb-22 2019
Considered as one of the most stable democracies in Africa, Senegal will be heading to the polls on Sunday, February 24, 2019. This will be the 11th consecutive Presidential elections since the country gained independence from France in 1960. The successful conduct of this election is critical to democratic consolidation in the country.

Credible and peaceful elections good for Nigerians and Africa

Feb-13 2019
On Saturday, February 16, 2019, Nigeria will hold its Presidential and General Elections. This sixth consecutive election marks steady progress in the country's democratic journey since it reverted from military rule to multiparty democracy in 1999. Accordingly, there is the need for all stakeholders to work to consolidate gains made so far by ensuring credible and peaceful election outcomes.

Des élections crédibles et pacifiques sont bonnes pour les Nigérians et l'Afrique

Feb-13 2019
Le samedi 16 f?vrier 2019, le Nigeria tiendra ses ?lections pr?sidentielles et g?n?rales. Cette sixi?me ?lection cons?cutive marque un progr?s constant dans le cheminement d?mocratique du pays depuis qu'il est pass? du r?gime militaire ? la d?mocratie multipartite en 1999. Par cons?quent, tous les intervenants doivent travailler ? consolider les gains r?alis?s jusqu'? maintenant en garantissant...

WAEON Newsletter (October – December, 2018)

Jan-31 2019
WAEON's Newsletter provides news and information on activities undertaken by the Secretariat and Network members in their respective countries, as well as updates on elections and governance issues occurring in the West Africa sub-region.

WAEON Bulletin D'Informations (D'octobre à Décembre 2018)

Jan-31 2019
Le bulletin d'information de WAEON fournit des nouvelles et des informations sur les activit?s entreprises par le Secr?tariat et les membres du R?seau dans leurs pays respectifs, ainsi que des mises ? jour sur les questions d'?lections et de gouvernance qui se posent dans la sous-r?gion Afrique de l'Ouest.

Increasing Role of Technology in Election Administration - A CDD-Ghana/WAEON Project

Nov-01 2018
The West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) with support from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is undertaking a project to engage and build the capacity of WAEON member organizations to effectively observe all aspects of electoral conduct in an era of increasing application of technology in elections administration in West Africa. Download attached document for full details.

WAEON Newsletter (July – September, 2018)

Oct-29 2018
This third edition for 2018 (July to September) features news and updates on WAEON member organizations' activities, election and governance-related issues of member countries and fundraising efforts by the Secretariat.

WAEON Bulletin D'informatons (Juillet – Septembre, 2018)

Oct-29 2018
Cette troisi?me ?dition de 2018 (juillet ? septembre) propose des nouvelles et mises ? jour sur les activit?s, les choix et les questions li?es ? la gouvernance des pays membres et des collectes de fonds par le Secr?tariat des organisations membres WAEON.

Call for Elections and Technology Consultant to Design Election Observation Guidelines

Oct-16 2018
CDD-Ghana, the secretariat of WAEON, is seeking the services of a consultant to develop guidelines for election observer groups on how to overcome the challenges of elections and technology. Click on attached file for full details.

Appel D'offre Pour Un Consultant En Elections Et Technologie Pour Concevoir Des Directives D'observation Electorale

Oct-16 2018
CDD-Ghana, le Secr?tariat du WAEON, cherche les services d'un consultant pour ?laborer des lignes directrices pour les groupes d'observations ?lectorales sur la fa?on de surmonter les d?fis des ?lections et de la technologie.

CODEO Mourns Justice V.C.R.A.C Crabbe

Sep-07 2018
The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has learnt, with deep sorrow, the passing of its Co-Chair, Justice V.C.R.A.C. Crabbe, whose death occurred this morning, September 7, 2018 after a short illness. CODEO expresses its deepest condolences to his family on this loss. Indeed, the entire people of Ghana have lost an illustrious son. Click on attached file for full statement.

Mali Elections: Address Security Concerns to Inspire Confidence in the Electorates – WAEON

Aug-10 2018
As the people of Mali head to the polls on Sunday, August 12, 2018 to elect a president in a run-off election, the West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) has taken cognizance of increasing security concerns within the country. The Network is concerned with media reports of widespread violence that occurred during the first round and strongly condemns the attacks by jihadists and armed ...

WAEON Calls for Peaceful and Credible Polls in Mali Amidst Security Threats

Jul-26 2018
In April 2018, the Malian government confirmed its decision to hold presidential elections on July 29, 2018 amid security concerns, which have largely been cited as the underlying reason for the repeated postponement of local and regional elections in the country. While the conduct of this election comes at a time of increased threats to security and fear of violence from jihadists and armed group...

Elections au second tour en Sierra Leone: ROASE appelle à des scrutins pacifiques et crédibles

Apr-09 2018
Le R?seau d'Observation d'?lection de l'Afrique occidentale (ROASE) appelle les deux principaux candidats ? l'?lection pr?sidentielle en Sierra Leone ? condamner toute forme de comportement ? potentiel cons?quences n?gatives pour une ?lection pacifique le 31 mars 2018. ROASE note avec inqui?tude, les rapports de cas croissants d'incitation des sentiments tribaux et de l'utilisation du langage i...

Sierra Leone's March 31, 2018 Run-Off Election: WAEON Calls for Peaceful and Credible Polls

Mar-30 2018
Ahead of the second round of presidential election, the West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) calls on the two main candidates, Samura Kamara of the All People's Congress (APC) and Julius Maada Bio of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP), and their respective supporters to avoid the use of inflammatory language in the conduct of their campaigns. WAEON further calls on the leadership of ...

Sierra Leone Run-Off Election: WAEON Calls for Peaceful and Credible Polls

Mar-30 2018
The West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) calls on the two main presidential candidates contesting in the run-off elections of Sierra Leone to condemn any form of behavior with potential negative consequences for a peaceful election on March 31, 2018.

IREDD seeks autonomy status for NEC

Mar-26 2018
The Institute for Research and Democratic Development has recommended that the National Elections Commission be provided financial autonomy in order to stem the tide of political influence and broader space for the independence of the nation's electoral house. IREDD also recommended at a daylong conference that the National Elections Commission ensures adequate and long-term civic education...

IREDD seeks autonomy status for NEC

Mar-26 2018
The Institute for Research and Democratic Development has recommended that the National Elections Commission be provided financial autonomy in order to stem the tide of political influence and broader space for the independence of the nation's electoral house. IREDD also recommended at a daylong conference that the National Elections Commission ensures adequate and long-term civic education b...

IREDD Suggests Financial Autonomy For Liberia's Elections Commission

Mar-26 2018
The Institute for Research and Democratic Development is recommending that the National Elections Commission be provided financial autonomy in order to ?stem the tide of political influence?. IREDD says this would ensure adequate long-term civic education and decentralization of recruitment across the country. The organization is also calling on government to prioritize the establishment of...

WAEON Newsletter (January - March 2018)

Mar-26 2018
WAEON's Newsletter provides news and information on activities undertaken by the Secretariat; network members in their respective countries; and updates on elections and governance issues within West Africa. This first edition for 2018 (January to March) features news and update on WAEON Secretariat and member organizations' activities as well as election and governance-related issues within membe...

Statement on the Voting Process

Mar-09 2018
National Election Watch (NEW) has been observing the 2018 general elections in Sierra Leone. NEW has deployed 506 trained and accredited priority observers to a random sample of 506 polling stations and 507 supervisors across the country to provide timely and accurate information on the conduct of the elections. 97% of the 506 sample observers have submitted reports on the set-up, opening and voti...

National Election Watch: Mid-Day Statement on the Set-up and Opening of Polling Stations

Mar-08 2018
This mid-day statement focuses on the setup and opening of polling stations and the findings are based on reports National Election Watch (NEW) has received from 97% out of the 506 Priority Observers deployed to polling stations proportionally nationwide and 507 supervisors across the country. Percentages reported do not cover all 11,122 polling stations but are statistically representative of...

Sierra Leone's March 7, 2018 Elections: WAEON Calls for Peaceful and Credible Polls

Feb-28 2018
In a few days - March 7, 2018, to be precise, the people of Sierra Leone will go to the polls to elect a new president, members of parliament and local council representatives. These elections will be the fourth since the end of the civil war in 2002, and return to constitutional democratic process. These elections will provide an opportunity for the country to reinforce gains made in its multipar...

Bulletin WAEON (Septembre - Décembre 2017)

Jan-21 2018
Le bulletin d'informations du ROASE-WAEON renseigne sur les activit?s entreprises par le Secr?tariat; celles des membres du r?seau dans leurs pays respectifs ainsi que l'actualit? sur les ?lections et la gouvernance dans la sous-r?gion ouest-africaine. Cette ?dition qui se veut ?tre la seconde pour le compte de l'ann?e civile 2017 fournit des informations sur les activit?s entreprises par le S...

WAEON Newsletter (September - December 2017)

Jan-12 2018
The WAEON Newsletter provides news and information on activities undertaken by the Secretariat; activities by network members in their respective countries; and updates on elections and governance issues within the West African sub-region. This edition, the second for 2017 features news and update on the WAEON activities as well as election and governance-related issues from member countries...

WAEON Statement on the impasse of the Liberia 2017 Re-Run of Elections

Nov-27 2017
The West Africa Election Observation Network (WAEON) has been following with keen interest, the developments in Liberia on the aftermath of the declaration of the results of the October 10, 2017 polls by the National Election Commission (NEC). The final declared results by NEC indicated that the two leading presidential candidates, George Weah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and J...

Déclaration du ROASE-WAEON sur l'impasse du second tour des élections de 2017 au Liberia

Nov-27 2017
Le R?seau Ouest-Africain de Surveillance des Elections (ROASE - WAEON) a suivi avec un vif int?r?t le d?veloppement de l'actualit? au Lib?ria suite ? la proclamation des r?sultats des ?lections du 10 octobre 2017 par la Commission Electorale Nationale (NEC). Les r?sultats d?finitifs annonc?s par la NEC cr?ditant les deux principaux candidats ? la pr?sidentielle, George Weah de la Coalition pou...

ROASE La Déclaration Sur Le Libéria 2017 Élections

Oct-17 2017
Le R?seau d'Observation d'?lection de l'Afrique occidentale (ROASE) souhaite recommander les gens(le peuple) du Lib?ria pour un processus de jour des ?lections paisible pour l'?lection d'un Pr?sident et des Membres de la Chambre des repr?sentants le 10 octobre 2017. Dans l'ensemble, le jour des ?lections semble n'avoir ?t? lisse sans aucune menace ? la paix et ? la s?curit? du Lib?ria, malgr? ...

WAEON Statement on the Liberia 2017 Elections

Oct-16 2017
The West Africa Election Observation Network (WAEON) wishes to commend the people of Liberia for a peaceful polling day process for the election of a President and Members of the House of Representatives on October 10, 2017. On the whole, the polling day seems to have been smooth without any threats to the peace and security of Liberia, in spite of few lapses experienced during the election which ...

Liberia Elections: ECC Election Day Mid-Day Statement

Oct-13 2017
The domestic elections observer group in Liberia, the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) deployed 2,170 trained and accredited observers including 170 mobile observers and 2,000 polling place observers deployed in all 73 districts. Of the 2,000 observers, 832 are systematically deployed as Rapid Response Observers, 498 of which are deployed based on a proportional distribution by district. Thi...

Liberia Elections: ECC Election Day Preliminary Statement

Oct-13 2017
The domestic elections observer group in Liberia, the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) deployed 2,170 trained and accredited observers including 170 mobile observers and 2,000 polling place observers deployed in all 73 districts. This preliminary statement is based on reports that the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) has received from 496 out of 498 Rapid Response Observers deployed to...

Liberia Elections: Preliminary Statement Of The NDI International Observation Mission

Oct-13 2017
This preliminary statement is offered by the National Democratic Institute's (NDI) election observer delegation for Liberia's 2017 presidential and legislative elections. The purpose of the mission is to support Liberia's efforts to conduct peaceful, credible polls; impartially and accurately assess the electoral process to date; and offer recommendations to improve future elections. In partnershi...

Déclaration du WAEON / ROASE sur les prochaines élections présidentielles et législatives libériennes de 2017

Sep-25 2017
Le 10 Octobre 2017, le peuple lib?rien se rendra aux urnes pour l'?lection du Pr?sident de la R?publique et des membres de la Chambre des Repr?sentants. Ces ?lections seront les troisi?mes depuis la fin de la guerre en 2003 et la transition qui s'en est suivie avec l'adoption de la d?mocratie multipartite comme syst?me de gouvernance. Aussi, il convient de souligner que ces ?lections seront le...

WAEON's Statement on the upcoming Liberian 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections

Sep-20 2017
The people of Liberia on October 10, 2017 will go to the polls to elect a President and Members of the House of Representatives. These elections will mark the third since the civil war ended in 2003 and the subsequent transition to multi-party democratic form of governance. Also worthy of note is the fact that these elections will be the first after the war that is managed and conducted mainly...

Opportunity: Training for International Observer

Aug-23 2017
There is an training opportunity for International Observers. Open and legitimate elections are at the basis of both sustainable development and effective democracy. Actions supporting the right to participate in genuine elections can play a major role in sustaining peace, security and conflict prevention. This support takes the form of electoral assistance projects and election observation missio...

Call for WAEON Short-Term Observers (STOs): Liberia 2017 Elections

Aug-18 2017
As part of the collaboration with the Washington DC based National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) for the upcoming October 10, 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections in Liberia, we are seeking four (4) qualified persons to be recruited from members of the West African Election Observation Network (WAEON) for deployment as Short-Term Observers (STOs). STOs are expected to...

Appel à candidatures : Recruitement à court terme des Observateurs par ROASE (STOs) : Élections du Libéria 2017

Aug-18 2017
Dans le cadre de la collaboration avec l'Institut National D?mocratique pour les Affaires Internationales (NDI) bas? ? Washington DC pour les ?lections pr?sidentielles et l?gislatives du 10 octobre 2017 au Lib?ria, nous recherchons quatre (4) personnes qualifi?es pour ?tre recrut?es par des membres du R?seau des Observateurs ?lectoraux Afrique de l'Ouest (ROASE) pour le d?ploiement en tant qu'obse...




WAEON collaborates with NDI in the Liberian 2017 Elections

The West Africa Election Observers Network (WAEON) is collaborating with the Washington DC-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) to participate in the upcoming general elections in Liberia, scheduled for October 10, 2017. Through NDI, WAEON will contribute to NDI International Observation Mission for the elections.

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